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CRM: The Tool For Every Entrepreneur 

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If you are a proud entrepreneur with a business that you’d like to grow further, now is the best time to consider investing in a CRM.  A Customer Relationship Management tool is a system which digitizes your client information and gives you more time and abilities to devote to other business endeavors.  This technology is growing beyond its original mode of contact management.

Here are some of the newest developments in CRM which will shape business practices moving forward in 2022


The Integration of AI 

Vocal AI assistant

Artificial Intelligence in a CRM allows features like the automatic recording of client milestones,  such as newsletter subscriptions or purchase conversions.  AI can also be a chatbot funneling queries to segmented channels and retargeting ads that follow wayward visitors.  Artificial intelligence is here to stay in the digital sphere; consider how you could harness it to better your business!


Easing the Acquisition for First-Time Users 

The greatest hurdles for anyone considering their first CRM is the upfront cost and training necessary to earn the highest ROI.  Luckily, CRM License distributors such as myself can offset steep prices and coach you through the system. Working together, you and the distributor can create stronger digital marketing campaigns.


The Addition of Social Media 

smartphone with social media behavior icons

Social CRM, which is customer relationship management integrated with social media platforms, is on the rise. With more systems adopting social media management features, a CRM could become your one-pot solution that minimizes your marketing costs and simplifies your day-to-day tasks.  Companies have a clearer understanding of how their audience interacts online with their brand when that data can be analyzed in the CRM.


Digital Natives Joining the Workforce 

The younger end of millennials and the eldest among Generation Z are gaining more presence in the workforce.  As individuals who began computer literacy in elementary school, they are gifted with the needed skills to learn systems like CRM and troubleshoot areas of confusion.  28% of millennials  consider these applications as “extremely critical” to their success, compared to 18% of Generation X and 9% of Baby Boomers.

woman using CRM to make business more efficient


The Future of CRM 

65% of sales professionals utilize a CRM and 97% consider sales technology “very important” or “important,” according to LinkedIn State of Sales 2020.  That being said, the data notes that 34% of sales personnel have not invested yet. Whatever the market or industry may be, customer relationship management is  key to business growth.

Utilizing the CRM which I can provide through Pearl Marketing would allow the following:

  • Media Link Integration
  • Excel Sheet Lead List Conversion
  • Form Creation
  • Email Campaign Automations
  • Email Effectiveness Tracking
  • Personalized Lead Profiling
  • Landing PAGES
  • Video Conferencing
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Chatbot Configuration

I have a special offer available now to all seeking the benefits of a CRM for their business.  Whether you’re a company or 1 or over 100, this system will greatly enhance the day-to-day strategies in your marketing plan.  Right now, interested individuals can purchase a CRM License for $475 a month.  I recommend considering the second option which includes the consulting support of the Pearl team.

Pearl Marketing's CRM offer

If you would like to learn more, please contact me at!


7 Auburn Street

Nashua NH 


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