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By now you’ve heard of TikTok, the video creation app giving other social media platforms a run for their money (and algorithms).  Tiktok is a platform for creators to post short videos up to one minute in length.

One of the app’s main feature is its sound-tagging; by adding a song or audio already integrated into Tiktok, the video can be found in a compilation of other videos utlizing the same audio.  This feature helps viral trends explode on the app.

The other main feature of Tiktok is its learning algorithm. The more a user interacts within the app (liking, sharing, commenting, swiping), the more Tiktok is able to curate content based on personal interest for their “timeline” aka the For You Page.

But it’s just for teens, isn’t it? 

Interestingly enough, the demographics of Tiktok are expanding! Since its launch in 2018, a reported 21% of users are aged 30-39, with an additional 20% in the 40-49 age range.  And due to the nature of the algorithm and the sheer number of users, a short video simply tagged #FYP (aka “for you page”) can easily garner thousands of views in a short period of time.

Ergo, our advice with Tiktok: be patient, and choose quality over quantity.  The app takes a bit of a learning curve to master.  Picking up on trends which you can witty incorporate into your own products and services will be the key to marketing success.  Luckily, most videos can be created with a good quality smartphone camera in the span of a couple hours, if not less.

Brands are jumping on the trend as well 

Video e-commerce, heavily popularized in China, is starting to make an impact in the United States.

For example, Internet influencer DevanOnDeck showcased a pair of “dad jeans” to give TikTok users a detailed view of the product, all while describing the item’s target demographics and methods to style it.

On its first shoppable livestream on TikTok in December, Walmart reached out to DevanOnDeck, a user with a  3.2 million Tiktok following, and other top creators to showcase different apparel products.

The event received sevenfold the amount of anticipated views, raising Walmart’s TikTok following  by 25%.  Impressed by the success, the retailer did a second shoppable livestream event in March, this time focusing on beauty products.

Walmart’s events are just a glimpse of what the livestream shopping market can offer retailers.  In a time when shoppers are wary of being in physical shopping centers due to the pandemic, retailers, brands and social media apps have all jumped on the shoppable live content playing field in some way.

Will it work for my business? 

Social media marketing is not for everyone.  Let’s go through a list of questions to ask before you start experimenting with online platforms or hire a social media consultant. 

Am I selling to consumers?   A B2B company will have less success with outbound marketing strategies such as social media, which is meant to reach out to direct consumers.

Who is my age demographic?  Though 40% of many social media platforms are aged over 30, consider using Facebook and LinkedIn if your products aren’t translating well on other platforms.

Am I a small business?  Larger companies can struggle with brand identity, but a small business owner can make a splash on social media. Develop your story, broadcast your personality, and customers will become engaged with your brand.

For more information, contact!  If you’re interested in developing your social media savviness in your own free time, then head to the Pearl Marketing Academy tab on our website and check out our Social Media Marketing course!

Happy streaming!

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